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2005-06-20 - 11:30 a.m.

"Au contraire, mon capitan. . . eez Back!!"

And now, it's June 20. The day after Father's Day, the day before Summer begins, and the day I turn into a newt! I figure I'm about halfway through my Minnesotan vacation, which is turning out to be both tremendously fruitful, and tremendously taxing. Big cities are cool, but they're not quite my cup of tea to live in. Just give me the simple life, Jethro.

I'm now living smack-dab in St. Paul. A little place downtown, in an apartment complex across the street from City Hall (and a block from both the library, and Rice Park). It's cool. My roommate is named Brian, he plays french horn and hates Garrison Keillor. Various personal and financial misgivings led me to take the Summer semester off, and so I'm working fulltime at the gas station, while devoting my other energies to more personal projects, like a new record, writing music for a play, finishing a radio show, starting a band (The Management), hanging out with good friends at cheapo movies and barbecues, and travelling to Iowa at least every other week to be with my girlfriend. It's a pretty full load, I will admit, but I don't mind it much. And for some really odd reason, I don't find myself missing McNally Smith quite as much as I thought I would. This is kind of weird, but I'm sorting through all of this as I go. I'm not even halfway through this break yet, so I have plenty of time to think about stuff, especially when I'm working at the gas station. A few more years at that job and I'd be a damn philosopher.

Anyway, I doubt I'll be checking back in any time soon. My LiveJournal habits have even slowed to a major crawl, since just about the time I last updated in fact. It's hard to explain, I simply lost interest in it, to a point. Maybe a better way to describe it would be, I lost some of the interest I had. I lost less interest? (My interest was reduced? Interesting. I guess that means I don't have to pay as much, so hey. My interest is peaked. Only it isn't, because I don't write anymore.) Either way, it's just not quite as constant a thing for me anymore. That may change, as said girlfriend is moving to Guatemala in August for a time, and it might end up being one of the constant ways we can communicate. Or, one of the constant ways she can see what's been going on in my life. Short of emails anyway. This way's a bit more anonymous and mysterious you know.

And with that, I'm going to leave. Not quite sure what I have going on today, but I certainly won't figure it out by sitting here writing an online entry, now will I! (Makes you think, don't it.) Have a good one, my comrades.

Ben C-F

one step back - and then. . .

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