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2009-03-13 - 12:23 a.m.

Wow. I really haven't written here in four years? Uh, yeah, that's kind of scary.

Not to say that anyone's going to read this, because I only know one other person who still maintains a Diaryland blog (and I gotta give Cam the props he deserves), but still. It's been nearly four years since I updated this. I'm not sure what to think about that.

Course, it'd be a little harder to swallow if I did any blogging at all anymore. I don't. I don't know why, just seems like some point in 2005 or 2006, I ran out of interesting things to write about. I graduated college, got a standard fulltime job, started gigging out a lot in the Minneapolis area, met a lot of wonderful freaky musician types and got engaged last May. And while all of that is pretty interesting, it's mostly good for mass-reflection Christmas letter stuff, not daily updates. I always said I wouldn't write if I didn't feel like I had anything interesting to write about, and wouldn't you know it, I ran out of interesting things! I do have a Blogger Blog which I update from time to time, and am active on Facebook (y'all completely missed out on my Myspace phase), but it's not quite the same thing. Close! Oh so close! But not quite.

That said, my life is pretty different now than it was in June 2005. Just a few things have happened. We had a couple hurricanes, you know. And a new President. Oh, and they've added a fourth judge to American Idol. On a more personal note, Rainey and I are now engaged. We haven't set a concrete date, but the idea is June 12, 2010. We live together now, in an apartment in St. Louis Park (just west of Minneapolis). We've got two kitties, and very hectic schedules that don't usually correlate. But when they do? Magic, my friends.

Otherwise, the music is still going. The songs aren't coming so easily, but hey, why quibble? I've got two backup bands, The Damnation Consort (electric) and the Glorious Percussion Armada (acoustic). I'm also in a bunch of other bands and projects, with names like Art Vandalay and Tony & The 45's and We Are Awesome. It's more than I should be taking on, but it's also the most fun I've had musically in a really long time.

So yes. I've been living in Minnesota for nearly five years now. Something about that kind of startles me. I remember moving up here so vividly, it was just such a shocking, painful, hyper-realistic moment that ended up shaking me far more than I ever thought it would, but it's also one of the best things I ever did. I never really planned on living here permanently, and in fact I don't know at what point my mentality shifted from "stay here until I graduate" to "set up camp next to Prince's house." (Not really. I have no clue where Prince lives, to be honest.) It's kind of ironic that I made this change after starting to date someone who lived in Cedar Rapids. But again, that's what happened, and I'm so glad I did. I really like it up here. I just like the options of a city, there are always something like 673 things you can do on a given night. And there are so many clubs to play, it's daunting as well as exciting. (As opposed to Cedar Falls, which had the Reverb. They've got a second club now too, I'm so proud of them!)

Okay, I should be going. One of my bands has their first show tomorrow night, at Club Underground. Then over the weekend, I'm heading to Cedar Rapids to do some practicing with good ol' Kelli Michel. We're playing a show together next weekend at the Cup (our first one together in nearly five years). I never planned on taking this long to update again, so hopefully you'll hear something more from me before 2013, but I guess you never know. (It'll be weird if I'm a father the next time I write. It'll be weird if I'm a father in general of course.) Anyway, to anyone who happens to read this, thanks for sticking around, and I'll see you again real soon-like! Have a good one, don't date rape.

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